Archive for I Wrestled a Bear Once

From IWABO to Horse the Band

Posted in Bands, False metal, Insanity League, Metal culture, SiriusXM Liquid Metal, Uncategorized with tags , , , , on November 26, 2009 by Metallizer

Horse the Band, really?

I can see myself thinking this is sooooo cool, ’cause I’m like you know, so groovy dude. This is so original because I don’t know shit, bro. My knowledge of music is so good dude, I fucking know that this band is the shit ’cause they mix Nintendo and metal together. It’s the new trendy shit, man: Nintendocore. Yeah, they say it with a straightface, ’cause they’re soooo original. I love whatever is original, like Nintendocore. If it were generated randomy by some programming script, I’d love it still, as long as it’s original. Those time signatures allow me to claim credibility, even if they don’t make any sense.


 IWABO is a joke, a fake product like a lot of trendy crap with a pathetic lack of real originality. Horse the Band comes up with a concept that appeals to people who think that a Nintendo NES is the epitome of music. Fine. Or not. They play their junk on SiriusXM. So, someone somewhere  thinks we are dumb enough to like Horse the Band; hey, we went along with IWABO… This is sad.

All right motherfuckers, I’m back.

Posted in Bands, Management issues, SiriusXM Liquid Metal with tags , , , on June 9, 2009 by Metallizer

New and Improved! Now with even more venom against Metalcore, and whatever you want to call the stuff that IWABO excretes.


Yep, I’m still blogging against this waste of storage space, this incontinence stain on the computing cloud that is IWABO. Liquid Metal has decided to play another “song” of theirs, and it’s no better than the first one. I hate their faux-original music. Maybe they should take a stroll on the Golden Gate Bridge, it might help them creatively speaking.


Ok, enough said about these losers for today. Time to go listen to the new Warbringer!

I Wrestled a Bear Once = pure crap

Posted in Bands, False metal, Sirius Hard Attack with tags , , , , , , , on October 1, 2008 by Metallizer

Why is Sirius Hard Attack playing that crap a million times a day? Seriously people, there is nothing original to what I Wrestled a Bear Once (IWABO) does and I don’t understand why anyone would pay attention to them. In a review back at, satanachrist666 nails it: “Unless you are a masochist, stay away from this release. The mental scars induced by this release may just make you never have the urge to listen to music again. If you dare listen to this then you will find something that is a very sick attempt at humor, and an even worse attempt at songwriting.”

I could not agree more. It’s another painful “experimental” band who thinks that they just have to deconstruct something and reconstruct it more or less randomly to look brainy, arty, and competent. It’s a gimmick that emphasizes style over substance. Sadly, it seems to work with some people, probably mostly with people who either suffer from multiple, severe personality disorders, and/or sniffed too much glue and/or PCP. Their “songs” got almost 1.5 millions hits on their myspace page (no I won’t link to it).

I really wish Sirius Hard Attack stopped molesting my ears and raping my brain by giving them airtime (and it is such a waste of air, time, bandwidth, electricity!). I know that Jose, who is responsible for programming Hard Attack, likes his Metalcore very much. But I think that with IWABO, Hard Attack is pushing it too far. As a matter of fact, Hard Attack is playing too much Metalcore plain and simple, but diversity is good so hey, some Metalcore once in a while is fine. Tolerance and respect have to stop at IWABO, however.

What say you?